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Fall 2021

Junior Year

1st Semester

The Abode Veterans Housing was a team project where my partner, Sydney Iwerks, and I were each assigned rooms to design individually, in a addition to having a shared design style and programing binder. All renderings and construction documents included were individual work.

The Abode Veterans Housing will serve as a housing center to promote the success of homeless veterans. In this space we will provide a comforting and inviting sense of community that will be a safe space for homeless veterans to live. This facility will honor the veterans who have served this country and encourage them to transition to life after combat. This space will also focus on promoting the mental health of veterans who are breaking free from homelessness. This will be achieved by offering therapy services and using design elements such as color and light theory to benefit residents’ sociological health.

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This was the project where I felt that the Interior Design process really started to click for me. I realized that I could incorporate minor changes to make a bigger impact to make the project look more professional. I also was able to spend more time focusing on the details of the design. Although I still have plenty of room to grow, I can see the contrast from my first few projects to now.

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